Here are your random numbers:
UTCHere are your random numbers: 7
Timestamp: 2009-06-21 19:56:34 UTC
Lisa said...
WOW!!! What wonderful things you are giving away for blog candy. I hope I win it. I haven't bought anything in a long time and I never seem to win anything. Have a great weekend! I just wanted to thank all you wondeful people for entering my blog. The response was overwhelming and I never thought I would ever reach over 200 entries!! Not only that but to triple my subscribers wasn't even a thought that entered my mind. I am truly honored and grateful that you would take the time to visit. To those of you who subscribed, without it being a stipulation to enter my blog candy I thank you immensly!! To those of you who subscribed previously, I thank you for continuing to stay with me. I am so very grateful!
Thanks to people who entered from Austria, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Israel, Argentina, Holland, Venezuela, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Kentucky, Omaha, Austria & Norway. I'm sure there are more and it completely awes me that my blog made it to places I never will. I LOVE THE INTERNET!!
I can NOT believe I didn't do this sooner but I will not wait that long next time. Thanks for entering my little blog candy and KEEP ON STAMPING!! :-) CYBER HUGS TO ALL!!!