Wednesday, December 31, 2014


To whoever HELLMA is!  Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog.  I can never respond because when I link to your name in the comment you leave me, it goes nowhere.  I try to reply and again, no email address to send back and yet you continue to leave messages.  Amazing!!


If you reply to this, please leave your email so I can actually thank you directly.  ha ha!

And to all everyone else, thank you so much!!  I know how much time it takes to comment and I truly appreciate it! 

Happy New Year to you all!


Hellma said...

Happy New Year to you, hope to see lots more of your wonderful creations in 2015 Eulanda, your work is amazing.

Becky said...

Have a Happy New Year.. hugs :)

Kelly said...

Happy New Year Eulanda!!
Hugs Kelly

Scraptastisch said...

Happy and creative New Year Eulanda!
And thank you so much for the lovely comment on my blog!